When it comes to income, what you make is one thing. What you keep is another. Make sure you never pay more taxes than you have to with comprehensive tax planning and preparation services from King of Kings Firm. While it is possible to file taxes yourself, are you confident you can do so accurately? We work hard to make sure you obtain all possible deductions.
No need to let tax season add undue stress to your life. Sure, you could file on your own, but do you have the time required to do so efficiently? Tax codes and circumstances in life… like getting married or divorced, having a child, and buying a home, change often. Our experienced tax accountants stay current with tax laws and know how to help you correctly file based on your current status. King of Kings Firm makes filing your taxes easy:
We can help you file your Form 1040X if you need to amend your taxes. We will review your entire original return and look for deductions, credits, and exemptions that you might have missed the first time around.
Once we evaluate your original tax filing, we can help you determine if you’re due an additional refund or if you still owe tax. If you owe interest or a penalty, we can analyze it to see if it may be disputed or provide you information on how to pay it.
We work hard for our clients
Consultations are free.
Let us provide expert personal tax preparation and advisory services so you can keep more of what you earn… and spend more time with your family. Fill out the form here or call the number below.